91.4 Subversion Server Setup

Run a server on belinos as a normal user with:

belinos$ svnserver -d

Then on Ganesha check out the project with:

ganesha$ svn co svn://belinos/var/svn/myproject/trunk

Notice authorization errors on commit!

$ svn commit -m "Add a note"
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Authorization failed

Edit the file /var/svn/myproject/conf/svnserve.conf to change the defaults. First, everyone has read access to the project, so fix that:

anon-access = none

The on Ganesha:

$ svn commit -m "Add a note"
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: No access allowed to this repository

Introduce a passwd file to use, and stick with the default:

password-db = passwd


$ svn commit -m "Add a note"
Authentication realm: <svn://belinos:3690> a3ga432d-g81e-1310-b159-ac818d885622
Password for 'kayon': 

This does not accept any of the passwords typed since we’ve not yet set up the file. So create the passwd file:

kayon = mysecret

Now it all works:

$ svn commit -m "Add a note"
Authentication realm: <svn://belinos:3690> a3ga432d-g81e-1310-b159-ac818d885622
Password for 'kayon':
Sending        Makefile
Transmitting file data .
Committed revision 21.

Now that this works set things up to work systemwide as a server.

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