97.7 OpenOffice Impress

Impress is the PowerPoint equivalent in OpenOffice. Generally, you can load and present PowerPoint presentations with little difficulty in Impress.

Fonts have at times been a concern, with some MS/Windows fonts not always available under other operating systems. This manifests itself most often with bullets which use the wingding font in PowerPoint. To have these automatically converted to dingbats in OpenOffice go to Tools-Options-Fonts and specify the Font as Wingdings and Replace With Dingbats and click the tick. Newer versions of OpenOffice have fixed most of these such incompatibilities.

A standard distribution of OpenOffice comes with only a few templates. Many others are available from http://ooextras.sourceforge.net. To install, place them into a directory in which OpenOffice looks for templates. This might be something like /home/kayon/.openoffice/user/template/.

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