31.40 Flutter Install Linux


The Ubuntu guide to an initial install on Ubuntu begins with a snap install:

sudo snap install flutter --classic

Running the flutter command will then initialise the installation and the doctor command will review the installation.

flutter doctor

If you will be targeting Android devices then you will need to install android-studio and then through android-studio install the sdk and the command-line tools (under Customize, All settings…, then Languages & Frameworks, then AndroidSDK and SDK Tools then check Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest) as confirmed 20231223):

sudo snap install android-studio --classic
flutter doctor --android-licenses

To enable an Android device to be the target of a Flutter build, on the device turn on Developer Mode (in Settings go to About and then tap the Build Number seven times). Then under Settings again go to the System option then Developer Options to then enable USB Debugging. Plug your device via USB into your computer and tap Allow on the popup on your device. Then you should be able to see your device from Flutter:

$ flutter devices
Found 3 connected devices:
  Pixel 7a (mobile) • 13414KNRG13446 • android-arm64  • Android 14 (API 34)
  Linux (desktop)   • linux          • linux-x64      • Ubuntu 23.10 6.5.0-14-generic
  Chrome (web)      • chrome         • web-javascript • Google Chrome 120.0.6099.129

For the latest developer version of flutter:

flutter channel dev
flutter upgrade

Ensure support for desktop application development:

flutter config --enable-linux-desktop
flutter config --enable-macos-desktop
flutter config --enable-windows-desktop

Check everything is okay:

flutter doctor

To then create, build, and run a sample linux desktop application named button, specifying the target device id with -d:

mkdir button
cd button
flutter create --org com.mydomain .
flutter run -d linux

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