36.3 GNOME Extension Command Line Install


Download the zip file, perhaps by browsing to GNOME Extensions, and then select the version to download. This will download a zip file, like dash-to-paneljderose9.github.com.v37.shell-extension.zip or from https://github.com/kgshank/gse-sound-output-device-chooser for example we might download gse-sound-output-device-chooser-37.zip.

The aim is to extract the contents of this zip archive into a folder within ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions. The folder is the name of the uuid for the package. In the first case it is:

$ unzip -c ~/Downloads/dash-to-paneljderose9.github.com.v37.shell-extension.zip
  "url": "https://github.com/jderose9/dash-to-panel",
  "uuid": "dash-to-panel@jderose9.github.com",
  "version": 37

Thus create the required directory:

$ mkdir -p ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/dash-to-panel@jderose9.github.com

Extract the contents:

$ unzip -q ~/Downloads/dash-to-paneljderose9.github.com.v37.shell-extension.zip -d ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/dash-to-panel@jderose9.github.com}

Enable the extension:

$ gnome-extensions enable dash-to-panel@jderose9.github.com

Then restart gnome-shell with Alt-F2, and the type r and Enter.

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