62.7 Nextcloud Apps
Log in to your Nextcloud server as the administrator and under your
user icon, top right, select + Apps
to add new
apps for your users. Or else:
The nexcloud occ sub-commands for app are:
app:check-code check code to be compliant
app:disable disable an app
app:enable enable an app
app:getpath Get an absolute path to the app directory
app:install install an app
app:list List all available apps
app:remove remove an app
app:update update an app or all apps
A collection of apps I recommend having installed.
- bookmarks
- calendar
- contacts
- drawio A complete drawing and whiteboard package for Nextcloud. See Section 62.8.
- files_markdown: Markdow editor with two panes, one showing the source and the other showing the rendered version. To invoke, choose the Plain Test Editor item from the markdown file’s menu.
- groupfolders: Share folders, like your Photos folder,among a group of users. See Section 62.9.
- maps: Shows photos, contacts, and traces on a map.
- memories: Photo management including facerecognition and tagging (Section 62.13) of photos. See Section 62.10.
- phonetrack
- simpletask A todo.txt based todo list manager. Not actually a Nextcloud app but a great Android app supporting Nextcloud. See Section 62.14.
- snappymail: Email though a little slow.
- talk: Private and secure video calls and chat through Nextcloud. It’s actually called spreed but Talk is more intuitive. See Section 62.16.
- user_usage_report
- welcome: A welcome widget for the dashboard that displays a markdown document.
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