61.9 DNS Change Server


First get the name of the network interface:

  $ nmcli connection show --active
  NAME            UUID                                  TYPE      DEVICE  
  FRITZ!Box 7490  6733e7c2-655c-1234-acb7-04d176f50d6d  wifi      wlp2s0  

To change the DNS server to CloudFlare’s free, fast and privacy protecting service:

  $ nmcli connection modify 'FRITZ!Box 7490' ipv4.dns ""
  $ nmcli connection modify 'FRITZ!Box 7490' ipv4.ignore-auto-dns yes
  $ wajig restart network-manager

To change the DNS server to the Google DNS server use the following, but be aware of Google’s focus on collecting data to serve you advertisements:

  $ nmcli connection modify 'FRITZ!Box 7490' ipv4.dns ""
  $ nmcli connection modify 'FRITZ!Box 7490' ipv4.ignore-auto-dns yes
  $ wajig restart network-manager

You can also change the DNS of your network from the Network Manager settings window. For a Wi-Fi connection, open up the Wi-Fi tab in Settings (press the Super or Window key and type wifi into the search panel). For your connection from the list of known Wi-Fi devices, click the settings icon. Under IPv4, turn off automatic DNS and provide the specific DNS servers, such as Press Apply. You may need to restart the networking daemon:

  $ wajig restart network-manager

Alternatively, for the whole home network, the selected DNS servers can be changed within the router itself, affecting all devices connected to that router, assuming they are set up to use the router as a DNS server.

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