68.2 Photo Duplicates


Duplicates of photos readily occur as we copy photos around on our storage and attempt to manage large collections of photos with different file naming schemes.

Duplicate photos can readily be found using fdupes as introduced in Section19.5.

An efficient process is to use the --delete --recurse options of fdupes to begin an interactive session which lists all duplicated files and provides options for their resolution.

fdupes --delete --recurse .

With no options fdupes lists groups of duplicated files in the specified directory:

$ fdupes .



With -r (--recurse) sub-directories are included. A summary of duplicates is obtained with -m (--summarize):

fdupes --summarize .
13567 duplicate files (in 6407 sets), occupying 16996.0 megabytes

By default fdupes can be asked to delete duplicates, retaining the first listed within each group. Using --reverse and --order= by name might be useful for filenames that differ by numerals, so keeping the lowest numbered file. Explore with order to get what best works for you.

$ fdupes --order='name' --reverse .



The following command will delete duplicates --delete without asking --noprompt, keeping the first listed in each group using an ordering we have specified:

$ fdupes --delete --noprompt --order='name' --reverse .

   [+] ./2020/20200926_063024.jpg
   [-] ./camera/20200926_063024.jpg
   [-] ./todo/20200926_063024.jpg

   [+] ./2020/20201114_061818.jpg
   [-] ./camera/20201114_061818.jpg
   [-] ./todo/20201114_061818.jpg

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