72.12 Printer Install Konica Minolta BizHub C368 Printer


This office printer requires a driver (a ppd file) which can be downloaded from https://www.konicaminolta.com.au/support#drivers. Search for bizhub C368 then click on Go. Choose Driver, English, and Linux. Under the PPD drop down, choose the latest which might be 2018-07-26 with version 110001.0000. Accept the License Agreement (if you do agree) and then download IT5PPDLinux_1100010000MU.zip (544 KB). Unzip the file to see the folder IT5PPDLinux_1100010000MU. The ppd file can be found in the folder noted in the example command below. The other (opn) version has very limited functionality.

Install the printer with the following command, assuming a local networked printer supported from the printer server at http://vitellius.dcs.ktu.edu:631/printers:

lpadmin -p F108 \
        -v http://vitellius.dcs.ktu.edu:631/printers/F108 \
        -P ~/Downloads/IT5PPDLinux_1100010000MU/English/CUPS1.2/KOC759UX.ppd \

Here, -p names the printer as F108, -v identifies the device URI, -P is the path to the printer driver file, and -E to enable the print queue.

Note that for A4 printing of a slide deck of landscape pages, 6 per page, in the Print dialogue under Page Setup I had to choose Landscape, under Page Handling set Page Scaling to Fit Printable Area and turn off Auto Rotate and Center and then under Advanced set the Binding Position to Top Bind rather than the default Left Bind.

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