40.46 Custom (Wayfare)

This is a purpose built desktop used for development. It has a 1GHz Pentium 3 processor, 112MB memory, 20GB of disk and Rage M3 video. A test run used Gnoppix to test basic Linux functionality. All was okay with X running at 1152x864 75Hz.

The base install (2 Mar 2004) was with the beta2 Debian Installer, which was under development for the next stable release of Debian. A partition of 12GB was used for / and 1GB for swap. (The rest was for a pre-installed Windows2000 system, drives C and D using about 7GB there.)

The sytem has too little memory and would perform better with additional memory.

40.46.1 Wayfare Specification

From the lspci and lshw commands and /proc/cpuinfo:

Spec Details
Machine: Purpose built, Award Medallion BIOS V6.0
CPU: Intel Pentium III (Coppermine) 1002MHz
Bogomips: 2000
Memory: 111MB
Network: SiS 900 PCI Fast Ethernet (sis900)
Disk: 20GB QUANTUM FIREBALLlct20 20, ATA DISK (/dev/hda)
Video: Silicon Integrated Systems SiS630 Accelerator+3D (sis)
Audio: C-Media Electronics Inc CM8738 (cmpci)
Hostname: wayfare
Domainname: togaware.com
IP Address:
Boot: Grub
Kernel: 2.4.25-1-686

40.46.2 Wayfare Install Log

The beta2 release of the Debian Installer (Netinst) was downloaded as an ISO image from http://www.debian.org/devel/debian-installer/. The actual image might be found at http://gluck.debian.org/cdimage/testing/sarge_d-i/i386/beta2/sarge-i386-netinst.iso

Boot from the CD-ROM. For the Debian install choose English (Australian). There is no DHCP on the local network so a static network was configured. The disk was partitioned with 19GB for / and 1GB for swap. Reboot.

Configure the time zone as Australia/ACT. Add Root and User accounts. For apt choose CDROM. Don’t do any task selection for now. No specific exim4 options need be selected - set up as a local system.

Note that to reconfigure, run the base-config program.

The /etc/resolv.conf didn’t include my usual search line so it was added:

  search togaware.com

Install ssh and then copy a master sources.list file, followed by apt-get update (the CD is no longer required) and then apt-get install wajig to get things going:

  # mv /etc/apt-get/sources.list /etc/apt-get/sources.list.orig
  # scp athens:/etc/apt-get/sources.list /etc/apt-get/sources.list
  $ apt-get update
  $ apt-get install wajig
  $ wajig update
  $ wajig dist-upgrade

Now the setup begins. Install emacs21 less most zile.

Set up, for the user account, ssh for access to remote accounts if you like, to avoid repeatedly typing a password:

mkdir .ssh
scp athens:.ssh/id_dsa .ssh/
scp athens:.ssh/authorized_keys2 .ssh/authorized_keys
ssh-agent bash

The final command will prompt for the passphrase:

  Enter passphrase for /home/kayon/.ssh/id_dsa: 
  Identity added: /home/kayon/.ssh/id_dsa (/home/kayon/.ssh/id_dsa)

Now copy setup files from remote hosts:

scp athens:{.bashrc,.bash_profile} . 
scp athens:{.emacs,.emacs-custom,.emacs-kayon} . 
scp athens:{.xsession,.Xresources} . 

Copy the same files for root.

Use visudo to set up wajig usage for a user.

Install grub:

  $ wajig install grub
  $ sudo grub-install /dev/hda
  $ sudo update-grub
  $ wajig remove lilo

The configuration should be fine (finding /dev/hda3 as the Linux boot). For convenience, add the following to /etc/kernel-img.conf:

  postinst_hook = /sbin/update-grub
  postrm_hook = /sbin/update-grub

Install kernel-image-2.4.25-1-686.

Install ntpdate to set the system clock accurately from a reliable server (e.g., ntp.togaware.com).

Get X Windows working with the Rage card by installing x-window-system gnome gdm, gdm, gdm, gdm, gdm, gdm gdm-themes cinepaint, cinepaint, cinepaint, cinepaint xine-ui. I’ve chosen a 1280x1024 resolution for display on a Dell flat panel.

Install openoffice.org xmms apache

Run tasksel to install groups of packages.

Install vrms! And any other packages as appropriate.

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