72.11 Printer Install JetDirect

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To add a network printer (that we identify as hplj in /etc/hosts where it is associated with address using a HP JetDirect device to connect a HP LaserJet 1200:

  Name: lp0
  Location: Richard's Desk
  Description: HP LaserJet 1200
  Device: AppSocket/HP JetDirect
  URI: socket://hplj:9100/
  Make: HP
  Model: HP LaserJet 1200 Series PS (en)

If you are using the web interface and now go to the printer and get a permission denied error, chances are it is because your browser is going to bartok.act.togaware.com rather than localhost. You can edit /etc/cups/cupsd.conf to give permission for all local hosts (since in my setup I have printers configured on the server then use rdist to distribute the configuration to all clients):

  <Location />
    Allow From 192.168.0.*
  <Location /admin>
    Allow From 192.168.0.*

You could use .act.togaware.com instead to allow access from any host in your domain. Then restart the cupsys daemon:

  $ wajig restart cupsys

Print a test page to make sure it works. Also, go into Configure Printer to set Page Size to A4, and any other default settings, like duplex printing.

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