67.15 PDF Password Recovery
Have you forgotten a password to a critical PDF document that you
password protected? There could be some hope with a couple of useful
tools for password recovery. One is
hashcat which can be installed with
wajig install hascat
Another is John the ripper, a password recovery app that tries a brute force approach to password recovery through dictionary lookup. John the ripper is available as a snap and so can be easily installed:
For a pdf document the encryption hash needs to be extracted as a
separate step using a perl script called pdf2john
. Obtain the
script from the github zip file and unzip it locally:
wget https://github.com/magnumripper/JohnTheRipper/archive/bleeding-jumbo.zip
unzip bleeding-jumbo.zip
You can then run the pdf2john
script to extract the hash:
The hash file looks like this (truncating the very long line of some 230 characters in this instance):
This format can be used directly by jack the ripper but for hashcat the filename and the colon need to be removed.
Running the password recovery program is then a matter of calling
with the file containing the hash. This will now utilise all
cores on your computer. The run time can be 6 hours or more and there
is of course no guarantee of success.
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (PDF [MD5 SHA2 RC4/AES 32/64])
Cost 1 (revision) is 4 for all loaded hashes
Will run 8 OpenMP threads
Proceeding with single, rules:Single
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, 'h' for help, almost any other key for status
Almost done: Processing the remaining buffered candidate passwords, if any.
0g 0:00:00:00 DONE 1/3 (2023-01-22 10:55) 0g/s 152943p/s 152943c/s 152943C/s Enab1900..Pdf1900
Proceeding with wordlist:/snap/john-the-ripper/current/run/password.lst
Enabling duplicate candidate password suppressor
You can get a status at any time with:
0g 0:00:25:37 3.75% 2/3 (ETA: 22:18:58) 0g/s 111340p/s 111340c/s 111340C/s 26316082..rockers1782
Remaining hashes 1 (0 removed)
Remaining salts 1 (0 removed)
Time in seconds 1537 (1537.00 new)
Successful guesses 0 (0 new, 0 g/s)
Passwords tested 171130171 (171130171 new, 111340 p/s)
dupe suppressor is enabled since accepted candidate 45884
and it accepted 171084544 (90.62%, 111310 p/s)
rejected 17710356 (9.38%, 11522 p/s)
out of total 188794900 (122833 p/s)
Hash computations 171130171 (171130171 new, 111340 c/s)
Hash combinations 171130171 (171130171 new, 111340 C/s)
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