57.5 NFS Troubleshooting


Access Denied

Typical error message is:

$ sudo mount /media/sabrina
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting theano:/media/sabrina

The first thing to check is what is exported from the remote NFS server (e.g., theano) by running the command showmount on the client:

$ showmount -e theano
Export list for theano:

One possible cause is that the client’s IP address is out of range, as is the case here:

$ wajig sysinfo
Uptime:     up 21 hours, 24 minutes since 2020-10-21 08:44:41
Load:       user, load average: 1.20, 1.41, 1.20
Reboot:     not required

See Section ?? for information on the CIDR notation.

Permission Denied — Invalid Argument

If the client gets a Permission Denied and the server reports Invalid Argument errors then on the server try the following procedure:

# wajig stop nfs-kernel-server
# rm /var/lib/nfs/*
# touch /var/lib/nfs/rmtab
# wajig start nfs-kernel-server
# exportfs -a

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