53.3 Gnuplot

Examples using gnuplot, gnuplot, gnuplot:

  gnuplot> plot [0:1] (1-x)/x, log((1-x)/x)
  gnuplot> set log y
  gnuplot> plot [0:1] (1-x)/x, log((1-x)/x)
  gnuplot> set nolog y
  gnuplot> set terminal svg
  gnuplot> set output "log1mxox.svg"
  gnuplot> plot [0:1] (1-x)/x, log((1-x)/x)
  gnuplot> set terminal postscript eps enhanced
  gnuplot> set output "log1mxox.eps"
  gnuplot> plot [0:1] (1-x)/x, log((1-x)/x)

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