19.2 Blank Line and Empty Line Removal
A task we sometimes find useful is to remove all of the blank lines from a file. Suppose we have empty lines separating sentences and want to bring them together into a single paragraph:
## Linux has many powerful command line tools dating from the 1970's.
## Unix and Linux tools focus on a specific task.
## Tools then freely collaborate together to accomplish the task.
We can remove blank lines using awk:
## Linux has many powerful command line tools dating from the 1970's.
## Unix and Linux tools focus on a specific task.
## Tools then freely collaborate together to accomplish the task.
This very simple use of awk is powerful and elegant in its
simplicity. The awk variable NF
is the number of fields in
the input record. For blank lines this is zero. The default
awk action is to print lines for which the pattern is
true. Here the pattern is NF
. Zero is interpreted as false
and so nothing is printed.
We can save the result into a new file:
We could also use sed.
The pattern here will match any empty line since ^
matches the
beginning and $
matches the end of the line and allows for no
other characters in between. For lines that match the pattern the
operator is utilised to delete the line.
Then we can operate on the file in-place using -i
which is
short for --in-place
Some further alternatives and interesting variations below and also see Stack Overflow.
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