10.1 Audio Extracting From CDs


You may want to record your own audio CDs so that you can listen to them on your computer for your own personal use. In many jurisdictions this is perfectly acceptable but in others there may be questions over the legality of this.

If your jurisdiction allows it, then the process of converting your personal music CD into a digital file for personal listening to on a computer involves reading the digital wav data from your audio CD. For a full CD these will normally be about 600MB. The mp3 and ogg formats can reduce a 600MB audio CD to a 50MB ogg file, allowing the storage of the equivalent of 12 wav CDs in the space of a single DATA CD with ogg.

We focus on ogg because it is a free (libre) and has an edge over mp3 for sound quality (see, for example, http://www.digit-life.com/articles/oggvslame/). ogg encoders and players are freely available and mobile players supporting ogg are becoming popular.

Debian provides numerous packages to handle this process of generating ogg data from your CD, including the GNOME sound-juicer and the traditional grip, grip, grip, grip, grip.

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