81.4 CSS Systemd Integration


In Section 81.3 we set up a command script to manage the solid server. We can put in place a convenient command to manage the solid server as /usr/local/bin/solid:

sudo emacs /usr/local/bin/solid
#!/usr/bin/env bash
/usr/bin/sudo -u solid /opt/solid/manage_solid_server.sh "${1}"
sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/solid

Any user with sudo rights can then run the following commands:

solid start   # Start the community solid server
solid status  # Show status of community solid server
solid log     # Show the log from the community solid server
solid stop    # Stop the community solid server

To start the solid server on boot create the systemb unit file for the solid service:

sudo emacs /etc/systemd/system/solid.service

Its contents is below, noting to start solid after caddy is running.

# solid.service
# Community Solid Server

Description=Solid community server
After=network.target caddy.service

ExecStart=/opt/solid/manage_solid_server.sh start
ExecStop=/opt/solid/manage_solid_server.sh stop


Then reload the systemd daemon and start the solid server:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable solid
systemctl is-active solid
sudo systemctl start solid

The solid server will now automatically start on a reboot.

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