81.6 Solid Server Configuration


For the installation we describe here the configuration files live in /opt/solid/.nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/lib/node_modules/@solid/community-server/config. The manage_solid_server.sh script uses the file-no-setup.json by default. The Solid server then stores its resources on disk under /opt/solid/server/ and uses WAC for authorisation.

Create the desired configuration by copying one of the current configurations and modifying to suit. For example, as the solid user:

cd .nvm/versions/node/v20.9.0/lib/node_modules/@solid/community-server/config
cp file.json togaware.json

Then edit togaware.json to suite, For example, to enable registrations on the server include this line:


Also update /opt/solid/manage_solid_server.sh to use your new configuration. Then:

solid stop
solid start

and visit https://solid.example.org/.account/login/password/register/

Configuration files can be built using the configuration generator tool at https://communitysolidserver.github.io/configuration-generator/v6/. Documentation is available from https://github.com/CommunitySolidServer/tutorials/blob/main/custom-configurations.md.

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