6.3 Wajig Overview
Wajig expects a command and will call upon other GNU/Linux tools to perform the command. It is run as a normal user, but once a privileged command is required it will use sudo and likely request for the user’s password. Using sudo requires a little setting up as described below in Section @ref(wajig.sudo).
Try the help command for basic instructions:
$ wajig help
usage: wajig [-h] [-V] <command> <options> <args>
Unified package management front-end for Debian/Ubuntu.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show wajig version
'wajig commands' to display available commands.
'wajig <command> --help' for command sepcific help.
'wajig doc | most' to display a tutorial.
See what's happening with --teach or --noop.
Please direct queries to https://stackoverflow.com/ and tag as wajig.
Typical work flows might involve these commands:
$ wajig update (= apt update)
$ wajig upgrade (= apt-get upgrade)
$ wajig install most (= apt install most)
$ wajig new (list new packages since last update)
$ wajig newupgrades (list packages upgraded since last update)
$ wajig toupgrade (list all packages to be upgraded)
$ wajig updatealts editor (update the default "editor")
$ wajig restart apache (restart the apache daemon)
$ wajig listfiles less (list the files supplied by the "less" pkg)
$ wajig whichpkg stdio.h (what package supplies this header file)
$ wajig whatis rats (one line description of the package "rats")
$ wajig orphans (list libraries not required by other pkgs)
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