10.31 Subset of Rows Within Groups
20200814 The dplyr::slice() command understands
groups and so the indicies supplied will apply to each group. To
select, for example, the second row of each group, simply supply
as the argument. Notice the rows selected are all on the
second of the month.
## # A tibble: 49 × 24
## # Groups: location [49]
## date location min_temp max_temp rainfall evaporation sunshine
## <date> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2008-07-02 Adelaide 12.7 15.8 0.8 1.4 7.8
## 2 2008-12-02 Albany 14.7 21 0 5.4 9.1
## 3 2008-12-02 Albury 7.4 25.1 0 4.8 8.5
## 4 2008-12-02 AliceSprings 21 39.1 1.2 9 12.2
## 5 2009-01-02 BadgerysCreek 14.7 26.1 0 4.8 8.5
## 6 2008-12-02 Ballarat 4.3 19.5 0.4 4.8 8.5
## 7 2008-12-02 Bendigo 6.2 23 0 8.8 8.5
## 8 2008-07-02 Brisbane 8.1 22.9 0 2 9.8
## 9 2008-12-02 Cairns 24.2 32.3 8.4 6.6 5.3
## 10 2007-11-02 Canberra 14 26.9 3.6 4.4 9.7
## # ℹ 39 more rows
## # ℹ 17 more variables: wind_gust_dir <ord>, wind_gust_speed <dbl>,
## # wind_dir_9am <ord>, wind_dir_3pm <ord>, wind_speed_9am <dbl>,
## # wind_speed_3pm <dbl>, humidity_9am <dbl>, humidity_3pm <int>,
## # pressure_9am <dbl>, pressure_3pm <dbl>, cloud_9am <int>, cloud_3pm <int>,
## # temp_9am <dbl>, temp_3pm <dbl>, rain_today <fct>, risk_mm <dbl>,
## # rain_tomorrow <fct>
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