5.1 Dates Setup
20210318 Packages used in this chapter include lubridate (Spinu, Grolemund, and Wickham 2023), magrittr (Bache and Wickham 2022), and rattle (G. Williams 2024).
Packages are loaded into the currently running R session from your
local library directories on disk. Missing packages can be installed
using utils::install.packages() within R. On Ubuntu, for
example, R packages can also be installed using $ wajig install r-cran-<pkgname>
# Load required packages from local library into the R session.
library(lubridate) # Tidy dates and time.
The rattle::weatherAUS dataset is loaded into the template
variable ds
and further template variables are setup as
introduced by Graham J. Williams (2017). See
Chapter 8 for details.
Bache, Stefan Milton, and Hadley Wickham. 2022. Magrittr: A Forward-Pipe Operator for r. https://magrittr.tidyverse.org.
Spinu, Vitalie, Garrett Grolemund, and Hadley Wickham. 2023. Lubridate: Make Dealing with Dates a Little Easier. https://lubridate.tidyverse.org.
Williams, Graham. 2024. Rattle: Graphical User Interface for Data Science in r. https://rattle.togaware.com/.
Williams, Graham J. 2017. The Essentials of Data Science: Knowledge Discovery Using r. The r Series. CRC Press.
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