2.3 Installing Rattle
As of 14 January 2025 the Rattle version is 6.3.53.
Quick Start
See operating system specific instructions to install Rattle on your computer. The basic steps are:
- Install R
- Start up R in a console/terminal
- Install the following packages
install.packages(c("Ckmeans.1d.dp", "Hmisc", "NeuralNetTools", "VIM",
"ada", "amap", "arules", "arulesViz",
"biclust", "caret", "corrplot", "descr",
"fBasics", "ggdendro", "ggplotify", "ggtext", "ggthemes",
"hmeasure", "janitor", "lubridate",
"magrittr", "mice",
"naniar", "neuralnet", "nnet", "party", "partykit",
"randomForest", "rattle",
"readr", "reshape", "rpart", "skimr", "tidyverse", "tm",
"verification", "wordcloud", "wskm", "xgboost"))
4. Install RattleNG (aka Rattle V6) for
or for
The latest version of the source code for Rattle is available from
[github](https://github.com/gjwgit/rattleng). This version is
referred to as RattleNG or Version 6 of Rattle. Older versions are
referred to as Rattle Version 5. Version 6 is a new implementation of
Rattle using the modern Flutter framework for Dart. Flutter supports
multiple platforms so that Flutter based apps will run native and
similarly on Linux, MacOS, and Windows.
Before we can run Rattle we need to ensure R itself is installed. See
Section \@ref(installing-r) for details on first installing R.
Once you have R installed there are a few requisite R packages that
need to be installed. Generally it is good to install these as the
computer administrator.
After you start up R in a terminal you will see R's prompt as
`>`. It is at this prompt that you type R commands.
Before installing Rattle on MacOS and Windows you may want to run the
above R command, `install.packages` to ensure the requisite R packages
are installed. For the Debian and Ubuntu GNU/Linux distributions see
Section \@ref(installing-rattle-on-linux) for pre-compiled operating
system packages to install instead of requiring R compiling and
install the packages.
For reference, these are the packages that will load from the R
library into your Rattle **Console**, as they are needed by different
Rattle operations.
You can check that a package has been properly installed by loading
one of the packages from the R library:
Generally you will not see any output or error messages if all is installed properly.
You are then ready to install Rattle on your platform. Checkout the operating system specific guides here:
Sample weather datasets are available as weather.csv and weatherAUS.csv.
Your donation will support ongoing availability and give you access to the PDF version of this book. Desktop Survival Guides include Data Science, GNU/Linux, and MLHub. Books available on Amazon include Data Mining with Rattle and Essentials of Data Science. Popular open source software includes rattle, wajig, and mlhub. Hosted by Togaware, a pioneer of free and open source software since 1984. Copyright © 1995-2022 Graham.Williams@togaware.com Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0