8.2 Data Glimpse
20200317 Another useful tool to quickly review the dataset is tibble::glimpse(). Data from all columns is presented, including the first observations of the individual columns.
## Rows: 5,044
## Columns: 24
## $ Date <dttm> 2008-02-01, 2008-02-02, 2008-02-03, 2008-02-04, 2008-02…
## $ Location <chr> "Sydney", "Sydney", "Sydney", "Sydney", "Sydney", "Sydne…
## $ MinTemp <dbl> 19.5, 19.5, 21.6, 20.2, 19.7, 20.2, 18.6, 17.2, 16.4, 14…
## $ MaxTemp <dbl> 22.4, 25.6, 24.5, 22.8, 25.7, 27.2, 26.3, 22.3, 20.8, 24…
## $ Rainfall <dbl> 15.6, 6.0, 6.6, 18.8, 77.4, 1.6, 6.2, 27.6, 12.6, 8.8, 0…
## $ Evaporation <dbl> 6.2, 3.4, 2.4, 2.2, NA, 2.6, 5.2, 5.8, 4.8, 4.4, 6.4, 6.…
## $ Sunshine <dbl> 0.0, 2.7, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 8.6, 5.2, 2.1, 3.0, 10.1, 8.0, …
## $ WindGustDir <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
## $ WindGustSpeed <dbl> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, …
## $ WindDir9am <chr> "S", "W", "ESE", "NNE", "NNE", "W", "W", "S", "SSW", "W"…
## $ WindDir3pm <chr> "SSW", "E", "ESE", "E", "W", "ENE", "S", "SE", "W", "SSE…
## $ WindSpeed9am <dbl> 17, 9, 17, 22, 11, 9, 15, 7, 19, 11, 9, 7, 24, 15, 19, 1…
## $ WindSpeed3pm <dbl> 20, 13, 2, 20, 6, 22, 15, 15, 9, 20, 26, 24, 30, 19, 22,…
## $ Humidity9am <dbl> 92, 83, 88, 83, 88, 69, 75, 77, 92, 80, 78, 68, 87, 81, …
## $ Humidity3pm <dbl> 84, 73, 86, 90, 74, 62, 80, 61, 91, 53, 53, 67, 70, 51, …
## $ Pressure9am <dbl> 1017.6, 1017.9, 1016.7, 1014.2, 1008.3, 1002.7, 999.0, 1…
## $ Pressure3pm <dbl> 1017.4, 1016.4, 1015.6, 1011.8, 1004.8, 998.6, 1000.3, 1…
## $ Cloud9am <dbl> 8, 7, 7, 8, 8, 6, 4, 7, 7, 4, 7, 7, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7, 7,…
## $ Cloud3pm <dbl> 8, 7, 8, 8, 8, 6, 7, 8, 7, 2, 8, 7, 7, 1, 3, 6, 7, 6, 7,…
## $ Temp9am <dbl> 20.7, 22.4, 23.5, 21.4, 22.5, 23.8, 21.7, 18.9, 17.1, 17…
## $ Temp3pm <dbl> 20.9, 24.8, 23.0, 20.9, 25.5, 26.0, 22.3, 21.1, 16.5, 23…
## $ RainToday <chr> "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", …
## $ RISK_MM <dbl> 6.0, 6.6, 18.8, 77.4, 1.6, 6.2, 27.6, 12.6, 8.8, 0.0, 0.…
## $ RainTomorrow <chr> "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", "Yes", …
Notice the style used for variable names here. Different datasets will use different styles. It is useful to convert the variable names (and the levels of a factor) to a canonical form across all of the dataset that we deal with and so avoid having to remember particular naming schemes. We do this next.
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