10.11 Drop Columns


By dropping columns from your dataset you can reduce the amount of memory taken up by your dataset, especially for very large datasets.

As an example, suppose we have loaded a dataset using the dataset template or withing Rattle (so the dataset name is ds) Here we use the audit dataset from Rattle. We can use the object.size() function to determine the current amount of memory the dataset is taking up:

> object.size(ds)
[1] 128904

Within Rattle can select variables in the Dataset tab’s Roles page to be Ignored. we might choose to Ignore age, employment, education, marital, and occupation. In the Transform tab choose the Cleanup feature. Running the Delete Ignored function will remove the columns that we marked as Ignored. Now in the Console we can check how much space the dataset is now taking up:

[1] 84216

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