2.3 Installing Rattle on Linux

To install R on a Debian/Ubuntu GNU/Linux system you can run the command line

sudo apt install r-recommended

This will install R from the appropriate distribution repository.

Then to install the requisite R packages for the operating system we can use the following apt command

sudo apt install r-cran-magrittr r-cran-tidyverse \
     r-cran-vim r-cran-hmisc r-cran-mice r-cran-reshape

If you don’t have admin access then you can run the R install.packages command from Section 2.1 to install the packages into your account.

You are then ready to install the Rattle software. Begin by downloading the rattleng-dev-linux.zip. You can do this by tapping on that link or else from the terminal command line:

wget https://access.togaware.com/rattleng-dev-linux.zip -O rattleng-dev-linux.zip

This version was compiled on Ubuntu 20.04 and is known to run on Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu 24.04, and Mint 21.3.

Then try it out by unzipping the zip archive locally, after downloading it:

unzip rattleng-dev-linux.zip -d rattleng

Then run the executable:


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