20.72 C5.0 Rules Model

model <- C5.0(form, ds[tr, vars], rules=TRUE)
## Call:
## C5.0.formula(formula=form, data=ds[tr, vars], rules=TRUE)
## Rule-Based Model
## Number of samples: 158807 
## Number of predictors: 20 
## Number of Rules: 206 
## Non-standard options: attempt to group attributes
##                 Overall
## humidity_3pm     100.00
## rainfall          50.88
## wind_gust_speed   50.13
## pressure_3pm      48.14
## max_temp          39.47
## sunshine          23.54
## cloud_3pm         22.16
## humidity_9am      22.12
## temp_3pm          20.92
## wind_speed_3pm    12.65
## wind_speed_9am    11.92
## temp_9am          11.80
## wind_gust_dir     10.52
## pressure_9am      10.21
## wind_dir_3pm       9.89
## cloud_9am          8.76
## rain_today         7.45
## min_temp           7.27
## wind_dir_9am       6.05
## evaporation        1.76

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