28.23 Add a Caption and Label


# Load packages from the local library into the R session.

library(rattle)   # For the weatherAUS dataset.
library(ggplot2)  # To generate a density plot.

# Identify cities of interest.

cities <- c("Canberra", "Darwin", "Melbourne", "Sydney")

# Generate the plot.

weatherAUS %>%
  subset(Location %in% cities & ! is.na(Temp3pm)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=Temp3pm, colour=Location, fill=Location)) +

Adding a caption (which automatically also adds a label) is done using fig.cap=.

<<myfigure, fig.cap="The 3pm temperature for four locations.", fig.pos="h",...}
... R code ...

We have also used (but can’t see) fig.pos="h" which requests placement of the figure `here'' rather than letting it float. Other options are to place the figure at the top of a page (“t”), or the bottom of a page (“b”`). We can leave it empty and the placement is done automatically—that is, the figure floats to an appropriate location.

Once a caption is added, a label is also added to the figure so that it can be referred to in the document. The label is made up of fig: followed by the chunk label, which is myfigure in this example. So we can refer to the figure using \@ref(fig:myfigure) and \pageref{fig:myfigure}, which allows us to refer to Figure @ref(fig:knitr:myfigure_3pm_temp) on Page .

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