10.13 Extract Column as Vector
20200813 To extract a single column from a dataset and return it as a vector rather than as a dataset column we can use dplyr::pull().
In the example below all of the values of a particular column are pulled and we retain just the base::unique() values from the resulting vector.
Using a tee pipe, the first pipe (between the curly brackets) will print a number of the locations, whilst the continuing pipe flows the vector on to be assigned into a variable for later use.
## [1] "Albury" "BadgerysCreek" "Cobar" "CoffsHarbour"
## [5] "Moree" "Newcastle" "NorahHead" "NorfolkIsland"
## [9] "Penrith" "Richmond" "Sydney" "SydneyAirport"
## [13] "WaggaWagga" "Williamtown" "Wollongong" "Canberra"
## [17] "Tuggeranong" "MountGinini" "Ballarat" "Bendigo"
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