6.6 Glue Pipelines
20180729 We can use glue::glue_data() within pipes and operate over the rows of the data that is piped into the operator.
weatherAUS %>%
sample_n(6) %>%
" {rownames(.) %>% as.integer() %>% comma() %>% sprintf('%7s', .)}",
" location {Location %>% sprintf('%-14s', .)}",
" max temp {MaxTemp %>% sprintf('%5.1f', .)}")
## Observation 1 location Walpole max temp 25.9
## Observation 2 location Sydney max temp 29.4
## Observation 3 location Hobart max temp 20.7
## Observation 4 location Witchcliffe max temp 20.0
## Observation 5 location GoldCoast max temp 21.5
## Observation 6 location BadgerysCreek max temp 24.4
It can also be useful with the tidy verse work flow.
weatherAUS %>%
sample_n(6) %>%
mutate(TempRange = glue("{MinTemp}-{MaxTemp}")) %>%
glue_data("Observed temperature range at {Location} of {TempRange}")
## Observed temperature range at Cobar of 5.8-21.5
## Observed temperature range at Launceston of 8.2-17.9
## Observed temperature range at Perth of 16.5-29.9
## Observed temperature range at Sydney of 9.5-22.4
## Observed temperature range at Moree of 9.1-24.1
## Observed temperature range at PearceRAAF of 19.7-33.6
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