28.26 Adding Bibliographies
REVIEW knitr (Xie 2024) supports the
automatic generation of a bibliography for the packages attached into
R. We can take advantage of this by specifying a LaTeX
bibliography package like natbib
. I prefer the (author, year)
style and so I include the following in the preamble of my LaTeX
If we attach the rattle (G. Williams 2024) package, we might like to cite it with the following LaTeX command:
This will produce a citation like (G. Williams 2024). The `p'' in
\citep` places the parentheses around the citation, without
which we get G. Williams (2024).
Then we can ask knitr (Xie 2024) to generate bibliographic entries for each attached package:
Note that the bibliography is saved to a file named mydoc.bib
At the end of the LaTeX document, where we want the bibliography to appear, we add the following:
See Page to see what the bibliography will look like.
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