8.5 Identify Numeric Variables
We identify the numeric variables of a dataset by
purrr::map()ing the function base::is.numeric()
to find base::which() are numeric. Their names are stored
into the variable numc
# Note which variables are numeric.
vars %>%
extract(ds, .) %>%
sapply(is.numeric) %>%
which() %>%
names() %T>%
print() ->
## [1] "risk_mm" "temp_3pm" "temp_9am" "cloud_3pm"
## [5] "cloud_9am" "pressure_3pm" "pressure_9am" "humidity_3pm"
## [9] "humidity_9am" "wind_speed_3pm" "wind_speed_9am" "wind_gust_speed"
## [13] "sunshine" "evaporation" "rainfall" "max_temp"
## [17] "min_temp"
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