10.48 Location
20180723 From our review of the data so far we start to
make some observations about the character variables. The first is
. We note that several locations were reported in
the above exploration of the dataset. We can confirm the number of
locations by counting the number of base::unique() values
the variable has in the original dataset.
## [1] 49
We may not know in general what other locations we will come across in related datasets and we already have quite a collection of 49 locations. We will retain this variable as a character data type.
Here is a list of locations and their frequencies in the dataset.
## .
## Adelaide Albany Albury AliceSprings
## 3924 4739 4740 4740
## BadgerysCreek Ballarat Bendigo Brisbane
## 4690 4738 4731 4893
## Cairns Canberra Cobar CoffsHarbour
## 4740 5136 4709 4709
## Dartmoor Darwin GoldCoast Hobart
## 4709 4893 4740 4893
## Katherine Launceston Melbourne MelbourneAirport
## 3278 4740 4893 4709
## Mildura Moree MountGambier MountGinini
## 4709 4709 4739 4728
## Newcastle Nhil NorahHead NorfolkIsland
## 4030 3278 4704 4709
## Nuriootpa PearceRAAF Penrith Perth
## 4708 4708 4739 4892
## PerthAirport Portland Richmond Sale
## 4708 4709 4709 4709
## SalmonGums Sydney SydneyAirport Townsville
## 4662 5044 4709 4740
## Tuggeranong Uluru WaggaWagga Walpole
## 4739 3278 4709 4705
## Watsonia Williamtown Witchcliffe Wollongong
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