10.51 Ordered Factor
20180723 Given our knowledge that compass directions have
an obvious order, we convert the direction variables into an ordered
factor. We do so using ordered=TRUE
# Note the names of the wind direction variables.
ds %>%
select(contains("_dir")) %>%
names() %T>%
print() ->
## [1] "wind_gust_dir" "wind_dir_9am" "wind_dir_3pm"
# Convert these variables from character to factor.
ds[vnames] %<>%
lapply(factor, levels=compass, ordered=TRUE) %>%
data.frame() %>%
# Confirm they are now factors.
ds[vnames] %>% sapply(class)
## wind_gust_dir wind_dir_9am wind_dir_3pm
## [1,] "ordered" "ordered" "ordered"
## [2,] "factor" "factor" "factor"
We can again obtain a distribution of the variables to confirm that all we have changed is the data type.
## wind_gust_dir wind_dir_9am wind_dir_3pm
## N 12894 16321 12402
## NNE 9520 11693 9663
## NE 10340 10906 11925
## ENE 11713 11255 11306
## E 13074 13304 11832
## ESE 10792 11423 12195
## SE 13364 13367 15053
## SSE 12815 13065 13001
## S 13019 12295 13797
## SSW 12819 11003 11829
## SW 12625 11990 12976
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