20.75 Regression Trees
The discussion so far has dwelt on classification trees. Regression trees are similarly well catered for in R.
We can plot regression trees as with classification trees, but the node information will be different and some options will not make sense. For example, extra= only makes sense for 100 and 101.
First we will build regression tree:
target <- "risk_mm"
vars <- c(inputs, target)
form <- formula(paste(target, "~ ."))
(model <- rpart(formula=form, data=ds[tr, vars]))
## n=154069 (4738 observations deleted due to missingness)
## node), split, n, deviance, yval
## * denotes terminal node
## 1) root 154069 11298580.0 2.344708
## 2) humidity_3pm< 83.5 143411 4641628.0 1.502737
## 4) humidity_3pm< 68.5 122880 2310032.0 1.041501 *
## 5) humidity_3pm>=68.5 20531 2148997.0 4.263280 *
## 3) humidity_3pm>=83.5 10658 5187297.0 13.674030
## 6) rainfall< 26.9 9713 3004984.0 11.538620
## 12) min_temp< 19.95 8504 1654139.0 9.955903 *
## 13) min_temp>=19.95 1209 1179703.0 22.671300 *
## 7) rainfall>=26.9 945 1682784.0 35.622430
## 14) min_temp< 19.55 613 628144.4 26.478630 *
## 15) min_temp>=19.55 332 908755.7 52.505420 *
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