23.1 Backup
20220704 A good practise might be to use an encrypted cloud store like MEGA to backup important data.
Install the megasync app by adding the Mega
repository as the file
deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/meganz-archive-keyring.gpg] https://mega.nz/linux/repo/xUbuntu_22.04/ ./
Download the key:
wget --inet4-only -O- https://mega.nz/linux/repo/xUbuntu_22.04/Release.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /usr/share/keyrings/megasync-archive-keyring.gpg
You can then start megasync. Sign up with https://mega.nz for a free 20GB account.
Mega note that all data stored on their servers is encrypted, and not even they can access you data on the server. The public megasync client is open source and hosted on github https://github.com/meganz/MEGAsync/. It is assumed this is the version that is installed from the Mega repository.
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