76.2 Community Solid Server Public Setup

20220603 After installing a solid server (Section 76.1) we can configure a Caddy web server’s reverse proxy to expose the Solid server publicly, for example as https://solid.example.org:

sudo emacs /etc/caddy/Caddyfile

A new entry for the reverse proxy needs to be added. Be sure to change example.org to your own domain name.

example.org {
        root * /var/www/html

solid.example.org {
        reverse_proxy localhost:3000

The new configuration is loaded into the caddy server with:

sudo systemctl reload caddy

To test that it is working login as the solid user and then run the server with the --baseUrl (or -b) option:

sudo -su solid
community-solid-server --baseUrl https://solid.example.org

Visit your domain name like https://solid.example.org to ensure the solid server is publicly accessible.

See Section 76.3 to set up scripts to manage the server and Section 76.4 for systemd configurations to manage the Solid server and ensure it is started after a reboot.

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