2.10 ml commands
A MLHub package can expose any number of commands. The commands command will list the commands supported by the package.
It is expected that for the same functionality different packages will use the same command name. Package developers may like to conform to the names suggested here:
$ ml adult pkg <file.jpg> # Does image contain questionable material.
$ ml analyze pkg <file.jpg> # Analyze an image.
$ ml arules pkg <file.csv> # Association rule analysis.
$ ml blurry pkg <file.png> # Measure the blurriness of an image.
$ ml brands pkg
$ ml build pkg # Build with user supplied data/parameters.
$ ml category pkg
$ ml celebrities pkg
$ ml color pkg <file.jpg> # Colorize a (black and white) photo.
$ ml describe pkg
$ ml diagnose pkg <file.jpg> # Diagnose the image, perhaps for disease.
$ ml faces pkg
$ ml geocode pkg
$ ml identify pkg <file.png> # Identify onjects in a photo.
$ ml itemsets pkg <file.csv> # Frequent itemsets for basket analysis.
$ ml landmarks pkg
$ ml language pkg
$ ml limits pkg # Report on any limits to the package.
$ ml links pkg
$ ml normalise pkg <file.csv> # Normalise the numeric data, per column.
$ ml objects pkg
$ ml ocr pkg <file.jpg> # Optical character recognition.
$ ml phrases pkg
$ ml predict pkg <file.csv> # Apply a model to new data to predict/classify/...
$ ml sentiment pkg <sentences> # Sentiment of a sentence.
$ ml summarise pkg <file.txt> # Summarise a text document.
$ ml supported pkg # What the package supports. E.g., languages.
$ ml synthesize pkg <file.wav> # Synthesize speech from text.
$ ml tags pkg
$ ml thumbnail pkg <file.png> # Create an effective thumbnail for the image.
$ ml train pkg <file.csv> # Train a model from user supplied data/parameters.
$ ml transcribe pkg # Transcribe audio from the microphone.
$ ml translate pkg <text> # Translate between languages.
$ ml type pkg
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