12.2 azcv quick start
We can immediately try some of the supported commands once the package has been configured. You do need to obtain an Azure Cognitive Services API key as setup with the configure command. You should then be able to copy any of the example commands below, and so paste them into a terminal and then run them on your Ubuntu command line. The examples are expanded upon through the following sections.
Identify the categorys of a photo of the Colosseum:
To identify landmarks within a photo of Singaporeβs Marina Bay Sands:
To generate tags suitable for a photo of Australiaβs Uluru:
To identify any celebrities in an photo of faces:
To identify the bounding boxes of objects within a photo of a skateboarder:
To ocr handwritten text in a photo of a page:
To ocr a photo of street signs:
To generate a thumbnail of a photo of Australiaβs Uluru:
Identify any recognisable brands within a photo of a sweater:
Identify the bounding boxes of faces within a photo:
What is the primary color within a photo:
The type of the image:
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