24.2 aztranslate quick start
Let’s quickly explore some examples to show off the various commands supported by the package.
A simple translate takes a sentence on the command line. The language is automatically detected and the resulting translation is to English by default (see the translate command for details):
$ ml translate aztranslate Selamat pagi
ms,1.0,en,good morning
The target language can be specified using -t
or --to=
with a
country code. Suppose we want to translate to French (fr):
$ ml translate aztranslate --to=fr Selamat pagi
Many languages are supported, including Persian (i.e., Fairsi or fa):
$ ml translate aztranslate --to=fa Please direct me to the restaurant
en,1.0,fa,لطفا مرا به رستوران هدایت کنید
You can list the supported languages:
$ ml supported aztranslate
zh-Hans,ltr,Chinese Simplified,简体中文
zh-Hant,ltr,Chinese Traditional,繁體中文
The translation can be saved to file:
$ ml translate aztranslate --to fr Good morning | cut -d, -f4- > greeting_fr.txt
$ ml translate aztranslate --input greeting_fr.txt
Pipelines work great:
$ cat greeting_fr.txt | ml translate aztranslate
$ ml transcribe azspeech | ml translate aztranslate --to fr
en,1.0,fr,AI est assez bon à la traduction de nos jours.
But there are limits to the current state of the art in translation (see the limits command for details):
$ ml limits aztranslate
Limitations of Translations
Douglas Hofstadter, a professor of cognitive science and comparative
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