13.5 azface similar
To find similar faces between two photos we use
the command named similar and provide two photos in this case,
and photo2.jpg
All of the faces in photo2.jpg
that are similar to the faces in
will be found.
$ ml similar azface \
~/.mlhub/azface/docs/photo/PersonGroup/Family1-Dad-Bill/Family1-Dad1.jpg \
14 59 14 205 160 205 160 59,302 202 302 315 415 315 415 202,0.7665841
,398 238 398 329 489 329 489 238,
,495 238 495 320 577 320 577 238,
,211 162 211 243 292 243 292 162,
Once again the output consists of lots of numbers needing interpretation.
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